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Cavas and wines
So we leave you below the main properties and benefits of red wine and Cava, such as those found in the complete range of Segura Viudas products.
A moderate consumption of Cava reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke
According to Doctor Rosa María Lamuela, a FIVIN member and head of the study, there are many different polyphenols in Cava, some of which have yet to be identified, which enhance its antioxidant effect. One of the important polyphenols that have been identified is resveratrol, a powerful cancer suppression agent also present in red wine, which will be the object of another study by Doctor Lamuela’s team.
A moderate consumption of wine can also reduce oxidative stress and cellular damage
Several studies have been carried out on the antioxidant benefits for health of wine and its polyphenols.
Polyphenols from wine help to prevent cognitive degeneration, combating dementia and Alzheimer. New research carried out by Danish scientists has shown that drinking two or three glasses of red wine a day reduces the risk of death by up to 77% in patients diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer.
One glass a day reduces the risk of depression
According to a study carried out in Spain, moderate wine consumers presented a reduction in the risk of suffering from depression. Specifically, the study’s main researcher, Miguel A. Martínez-González, stated that “the lowest rates of depression were observed in the group of individuals who drank between 2 and 7 glasses of wine a week”.