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The Shared Table

Chiles rellenosBy Claudette Zepeda

What will you need


  • 6 Pasilla Chiles
  • 1/2 pound Oaxaca Cheese or Monterrey Jack
  • 1/4 cup All-Purpose Flour or Rice Flour
  • 6 eggs (separated)
  • 4 Roma tomatoes
  • 1 small yellow onion
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 Tbsp Mexican Oregano
  • 1 Tbsp Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 cup Chicken or Vegetable stock
  • 2 cups vegetable oil


Step by step

  1. On a Gas stove, place the chiles over the burners and char the skin completely, using tongs to rotate as needed. On an electric range, preheat your oven to broil. Place the chiles on a baking sheet and place on the top shelf of your oven. Watch closely and rotate as needed to char all around.
  2. Once charred, place chiles in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap or a moist paper towel or place in a sealed plastic bag to steam.
  3. While the chiles are cooling, on a dry skillet begin to char tomato, onion and garlic for caldillo sauce.
  4. Once all vegetables are softened and have some char, add into blender with stock, oregano and a pinch of salt.
  5. Add caldillo into a sauce pot with a Tbsp of olive oil and simmer with bay leaf and season to taste with salt. Cook on low until reduced by 1/4.
  6. After a few minutes, check the chiles to ensure they are cool enough to touch and that the skin comes off easily, peel each chile, DO NOT RINSE.
  7. Cut a slit almost the full length of each chile. Make a small t across the top, by the stem. Clean the seeds, being careful not to rip the chile and fill with cheese.
  8. Whip the egg whites with a whisk or an electric mixer until stiff peaks have formed.
  9. Heat the oil in a skillet until a drop of water sizzles when dropped into the pan.
  10. Roll the chiles in 1/4 cup flour and dip each one in the egg whites. Coat evenly. Fry, seam side down on both sides until golden brown. Place on paper towels to drain.
  11. Place sauce on plate on base of a large dish, eat immediately or hold to reheat for a large family style feast!

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